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BDI Services

BDI Service Objective

The right part

At the right time

At the lowest total cost

BDI Cost Saving Project

Assist in managing inventory on BDI assigned commodities

Application upgrade and design for cost saving

Periodic training to the customer

Productivity enhancements and life extend for cost saving

Global centralized purchasing for cost saving

Interchange OEM items to industry standards

BDI Circle of Services

松原市| 衡东县| 景泰县| 清流县| 阿克| 桃源县| 冕宁县| 荆州市| 黄平县| 宁晋县| 法库县| 白朗县| 永登县| 青神县| 安仁县| 凤台县| 漳平市| 石林| 淮阳县| 承德市| 和平县| 陵川县| 龙川县| 阜新| 息烽县| 贵南县| 同德县| 阳泉市| 平舆县| 固原市| 家居| 敦化市| 安溪县| 依安县| 三河市| 宁明县| 达州市| 嵊州市| 永清县| 鹿邑县| 贵定县|