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BDI Global

BDI is a leading supplier and service provider to manufacturing companies throughout the world. BDI was founded in Cleveland, Ohio in 1935. BDI has served industrial customers for over 80 years through its international network of 200+ branches in 11countries. Whether OEM or MRO requirements, BDI has an outstanding reputation for providing high-quality products and best service at the right time with the lowest total cost.

肥乡县| 佳木斯市| 嵩明县| 江安县| 永修县| 平和县| 济宁市| 普洱| 务川| 城固县| 泽库县| 大悟县| 营口市| 大足县| 托克托县| 宾川县| 巴林右旗| 固安县| 晋江市| 桑日县| 鲁甸县| 蓬安县| 孟村| 凌海市| 鹿邑县| 蕉岭县| 封丘县| 招远市| 逊克县| 榆社县| 兴安盟| 古蔺县| 全椒县| 临夏县| 明溪县| 百色市| 阳江市| 定襄县| 江西省| 安义县| 黑龙江省|